Friday, December 18, 2009

January and the calf's leave the barn

First day of school

The twins went to school this year.We had them in the same class and what a disaster.The teacher could not control them and therefor I had them split.It went a little better and I saw a huge improvement in their social skills.However with every report card we received it still said that their best friends was each other.We went through the sport days,school concert,christmas sind along and I have to say they enjoyed it/

Anika was also moved from grade pre-R to grade R and enjoyed every moment.She is such a perfect little girl.I have erolled her for grade R next year at the primary school as she will only be turning 6 in January.We also had her graduation and a ballet exam this year.

Sport day


AngelConradie said...

All the kidlets at school... wow!

Laura said...

Oh lol at the twins needing to be seperated!!