Thursday, January 10, 2008


The twins are driving me mad.I need to take them for their injections today so instead of going into the office I decided to work from home.

Now picture this: I am on the phone with an insurance company trying to add a vehicle on one of my clients policies and in the background the boys have removed the cushions from my couch.This leaves the base part with the springy bits open and they are jumping and creaming with joy.

The day before yesterday their sister was busy cutting and used Ponal glue(which she left on the table). I slipped out into the garden for 5minutes and come back to find the following:

Glue on dining room table
Glue in both the boys hair
Glue on one of the dining room chairs
And a snaking glue trail all over the dining room on the tiles.

I had to leave the glue to dry and then peal it off.The glue in the hair will have to stay as I already cut their hair short and can't go shorter.

They joys of being a parent.I think I need to get involved in a group where people have twins to find out how they keep their sanity.


AngelConradie said...

oh anelle... you certainly have your hands full!!!
did you take pictures?

Anelle said...

No I did not take pics.I had to rush to get the glue of the tiles before it dried.