Saturday, February 23, 2008

Feeling sad

So I am guilty haven't been posting for a while but its the start of the new year and between birthdays and work have been pretty busy.

To top it of my little sausage dog Gina took ill.The vet initially though it's her thyroid gland and after spending R1600 and hoping she might recover my worst fear was confirmed she had a brain tumor and went blind within a weak.I unfortunately had to put her down yesterday.

It was the hardest thing I ever had to do.I held her head in my hands crying like a baby while the vet injected her.I told her how much I loved her and that everything was going to be OK now.She went to sleep forever.Tears are falling on my laptop as I share this sad moment with you.

For those that knew Gina she is now in doggie heaven as I had to explain to my crying daughter last nigh.I know t was for the better but I will miss her and keep her in my heart for ever and ever.

RIP- my darling Gina......

1 comment:

AngelConradie said...

aaaw... thats so sad... i'm so so sorry cow! she will be missed.