Saturday, August 14, 2010

12 Years in the barn

So last weekend we had our wedding anniversary.Twelve years can you beleive it.Has it really been this long?

It's strange but I try to remember what it was like back then and remember being able to :
1. Sleep in
2. Not get up at all and spend the day in bed
3. Just pack up and go somewhere without having to arrange a babysitter.
4. Fitting into a size 12 pants (He he)
5. Having perky boobs( Boy do I miss those)

But in the end I have to say I do love the Bull even more now then I did then.
He is my everything.My buddy,my lover,my phycologist and my soulmate.......

1 comment:

Angel said...

OMW! 12 years already! It feels like just yesterday...